Even the Grinch likes Clean Clothes
By Jon from Clean
Whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, one thing’s for sure: lots of wine and food to chase down the gifts and merriment. The holidays also make up for the messiest of times. Although we can’t help clean up your family’s mess, we can help with the mishap on that Christmas suit we know you’re going to break out of the closet.
Here are some tips to make sure your clothes (and family) stay clean during the holidays:
If you do spill and stain:
Do not try to help the cleaners by making it worse.
We know you want to Google “how to get red wine out of my dog’s fur,” but resist the urge. Blot, do not rub. Bring it to a professional. Trying to help the cleaners by trying to minimize the stain can create other stains and make a bigger mess than what it was originally. Let us do the hard work as our Clean experts have 50+ years of experience spotting! We love a good challenge.
“We know you want to Google “how to get red wine out of my dog’s fur,” but resist the urge.”
Be careful using stain sticks. Not all of them work!
I don’t know about you, but your guy, Jon from Clean, loves a glass of good red wine (let’s face it; it’s a bottle). Makes me really sleepy, though. Sleepy means spills, which means stains, which means I’m definitely going to throw this J.Crew sweater in the hamper and forget about it. But, COO Marleen taught me well. Do 👏 Not 👏 Let 👏 Dirty 👏 Sweaters 👏 Sit. Say it with me!
Be careful before you reach for a stain stick! Yeah, they’re fine if your clothes are washable (are, they?). Not all garments are made for wet cleaning which means they won’t work! It could cause irreparable damage. It depends on the size of the stain, what spilled, and the base material. Even if the stain can’t be seen, it’s still there. That sounds familiar! Bring it to the cleaners where they won’t scold you like your parents.
Hey, we get it. There’s no way you’re leaving a party to head to the cleaners. That’s why we come to you.
Speaking of not letting sweaters sit and fester...
No time to do laundry let alone dry cleaning? Clean’s Personalized Laundry allows you to choose from our rotating Detergents on Tap™ (organic, baby-focused, hypoallergenic, oh my!) and we’ll be able to handle it while you try to find that last-minute White Elephant gift. We got that covered for you, too. Stocking stuffers!
The holiday season is probably the only time you grace your family with your presence, so you should look good doing it! Make sure Aunt Meredith knows you’re put together at least 2 days out of the year. In your face, Aunt Meredith. Don't waste your time on a chore that we can do right; spend it with your family, sip some peppermint hot chocolate, and wait for Clean Concierges—I mean Santa to bring it back fresh and clean.