Give the Gift of Clean


Give the Gift of Clean

What says “I love you” better than doing your loved one’s laundry and dry cleaning for them?

Your underwear.

Your boxers.

Your sheets.

Your lingerie.

Your “me-day pants.”

Your Netflix pj's.

Your (their) hoodie.

Your stuff in the drawer they cleaned out for you at their place.

We’ll do everything but the birthday suit. It’s kind of like you did it, but better because we’re professional cleaners with machinery she doesn’t have. Love at its best.

Gift Clean.PNG
  1. Create an account

  2. Enter in payment information

  3. Click on “Contact Us” and tell us about the person you’d like to gift and the value you’d like to give.

    Any value: we recommend 50 or 100!

  4. Receive email with digital gift card or we’ll email it directly to them!