Clean Life

Patagonia and Marmot: Two Chill Brands

Are you one of those people who never wears a jacket but always regrets it? Even though we’re counting down the days until spring, we don’t know what Mother Nature has in store for us. In order to get through the early year chill, you need a jacket that is as tough as the weather it’s going up against while giving you the comfort you need.

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Circa Stories: UES, Represent!

Circa Stories is a series of origin stories that take you through the journey of Clean and how it came to be today.

Hey, Upper East Siders. Gossip Girl here. Big news here in the UES. We finally got the recognition we deserve. Jk, it’s Jon from Clean.

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Even the Grinch likes Clean Clothes

I don’t know about you, but your guy, Jon from Clean, loves a glass of good red wine (let’s face it; it’s a bottle). Makes me really sleepy, though. Sleepy means spills, which means stains, which means I’m definitely going to throw this J.Crew sweater in the hamper and forget about it. But, COO Marleen taught me well. Do 👏 Not 👏 Let 👏  Dirty 👏 Sweaters 👏 Sit. Say it with me!

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Welcome to Clean: Life's Dirty. We're Clean.

Who is clean?

You may have wondered, “Why would you choose Clean?” It’s only a simple 5 letter word. C-L-E-A-N. Life is fast-paced, complicated, and at times dirty, which is where we come in. Our purpose is to make sure your dry cleaning and laundry are straightforward, spotless, and most of all, simple.

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